Design offer of wooden bicycle route.
We offer design and performance on each step of the route.
1. Consultation/ Analysis
Selection of the place: if it is not established, we will work with you to determine an optimal location which fulfils the intended purpose.
Assessment: Kinds of facilities (obstacles), which can be used.
Results: report from abovementioned action in pdf format.
Timeframe: Usually 1-2 days for delivery and 1-2 working days depending on the size of the area.
After completing this step, we can develop “The Master Plan Design”.
2. The Master Plan Design
Selection of the facilities (obstacles) and route localization.
General description of the route, facilities (obstacles) and functions.
Map preparation in terms of proposed element locations and their approximate dimensions.
3D visualisation is also available.
Designing / Construction of the budget model for all proposed elements.
Completion time: 2-3 weeks depending on the size of the project.
Results: report from abovementioned action in pdf format.
3. Designing / Construction of the plan.
Delivery timetable of all facilities and functions with detailed specifications.
3D visualization of proposed facilities and functions.
Listed all proposed facilities (obstacles) and functions in the cost estimation.
Results: report from abovementioned action in pdf format.
Completion time: 2-3 weeks depending on the location and the size of the project.
4. Construction / Documents
An appointment and meeting with the interested party.
AutoCAD construction plans for each facility (obstacle) or function.
Assembly documentation allows the client to comprehend the size of the project and expectations.
Results: report from abovementioned action in pdf format.
Project timeframe: more than 10 weeks depending on the location and size of the project.